Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tips to help eat healthy on the road

Amid the rush and stress of business travel, nutrition is often pushed aside. While worrying about beating traffic, making flights, preparing for meetings and presentations, who has the time or the energy to think about eating healthfully?

Planning ahead and making wise food choices can help business travelers eat healthfully on the road.

But traveling for business is not an excuse to needlessly indulge in sugar and fats, experts say. Trading in cheeseburgers for salads and potato chips for carrot sticks could help ease the strain of traveling and help dodge weight gain.
"It doesn't feel good, first of all, to fly with a bunch of junk food in your stomach, or soda," nutrition expert Susan Levin told CNN. "You want to stay as hydrated as possible, eat as much fiber as possible."
Levin acknowledged that doing so isn't always easy. Rather than depend on airport and roadside eateries, often laden with fast-food options, Levin advises travelers to plan ahead. Bring food with you, she says.
Fact BoxHealthful eating tips • Plan ahead, bring food with you• Drink plenty of water• Choose grilled chicken, fish, meat• Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
"Make sure you're eating high-fiber foods, those are your plant foods, like fruits and vegetables, beans and grains," Levin said. She said pita bread, nuts and dried fruits are other good choices and are easy to bring on flights. She also advised travelers to buy water once they've passed through security.

source: CNN

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